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Market Tycoon (Early Access)

Market Tycoon is a game made and published by Protection Games that is currently on Steam under Early Access. At this time of writing, the game is up to version 1.2.3 and it currently just has Sandbox mode but a Story mode is under development. The game starts when you pick yourself a shop to start building your Supermarket in, you are given an empty building to get to work in.

Cashiers must be hired to operate one of the four different styles of checkouts you can buy and there are six types of racks, four types of fridges and two freezers to choose from.

Certain foods and drinks fit on certain shelves, freezers and fridges, each item has an 'Acceptable Shelves' tab for players to see what item fits where. Shelves can either be manually or automatically restocked of items, automatic makes things easier but if you want to set yourself a frantic pace of keeping your supermarket stocked than manual is for you. Keeping things interesting is the fact that food and drink do go out of date so a restock is a good idea if the expiry date comes near. The bar on the right of the screen indicates how happy customers are, you can find out what makes customers happy or angry by clicking on the speech bubble on the top right corner.

Market Tycoon is so far an enjoyable game as you work to make yourself the best Supermarket you can possibly make, some may think the animation is basic but for those who just want to run a store, it is perfect. Game Rating: 4 out of 5.

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