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Stargate: Resistance

Stargate: Resistance is an online game where you can either play as the SGC (Humans) or the System Lords. Stargate: Resistance launched in 2010 but the online capability to play the game was shut down in 2011 and you may think why write about an online game that died seven years ago, the answer is that its alive once more. That's right by clicking on this link you are taken to a forum page that outlines what you need to do to download, modify and run the game. The modders of the game have set up a system that you can create a username and password to login to the game and play with stats or you can just put in a random name and login but cannot retain stats. Players have the choice of four planets, Earth, Amarna, Piramess and Leonops and the Earth maps are of the famous Stargate Command.

If you pick the SGC you got the choice of a Soldier, Scientist and Commando and for the System Lords you got the choice of Jaffa, Ashrak and Goa'uld.

Capture The Tech, Team Deathmatch, Arena and Conquest are the game modes to choose from. Controls are easy with 1,2 and 3 to select weapons, WSAP to move up, down, left and right and left mouse button to fire. Its a simple game but it is fun once you find somebody to play it with and there is even work ongoing to complete the infamous Stargate game Stargate Worlds. There seems to be a slight delay between pressing fire and the weapon firing and sometimes the character moves like he is in mud but it is not too much a problem. Overall the modders have to be congratulated in firing up the game once more for people to play and hopefully people download it to expand the game ranks. Rating: 4 out of 5

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